I hope you have a wonderful break full of family, friends, rest, and laughs.
See you next year!
Upcoming events:
- December 24-January 1: No School--Enjoy your break!
What’s happening in Kindergarten this week?
Reading: We will have our Super Reader celebration this week! Kindergartners will create a cape to show that they really are Super Readers! They will build sight word towers to knock down! Swat at letters to match a sound! Read with other Super Readers! It will be a day to celebrate how far we have come as readers!
**We will not be bringing book bags home over break.
**We will not be bringing book bags home over break.
Writing: Writers will publish a true story this week. Writers will bring all of their writing home on Tuesday! Ask your child to read their stories to you by pointing under their words and checking the pictures to remember what their story was about.
Math: We will work on adding and subtracting this week using a variety of tools. Keep asking your child math story problems over break! We encourage students to see math everywhere.
Word Study: Check the sight word link below as a reminder of the sight words your child can be searching for and spelling with you!
Here are our sight words: http://kindergartenroom82.blogspot.com/p/our-sight-words.html
Science: The Kindergartners will continue to work in different science centers to wrap up the unit. They will work in the following centers:
- Scientists will match body coverings to the correct animal
- Students will create their own animals using stencils, body coverings paper and other art supplies
- Students will sort animals into different groups based on color, body covering, number of legs, etc.