Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Last week of school!

The end of Kindergarten is here! I can't believe how fast this year has gone! I am so proud of all the Kindergarten work. 

Here are a few helpful tips for summer...


Below are links to book lists at different levels. Reminder: The reading level that is listed on the report card is your child's instructional level. Use the Matching Books to Readers sheet to better understand what your reader can be doing at each level.

Levels C-I

Levels H-M

Here are some reading and writing choices! 

  • Read 20 minutes out of your book bag/box
  • Have a family member read aloud to you or take turns reading to each other
  • Look at the writing you’ve done lately and set some goals.  Write them down and keep them next to you when you write 
  • Write a book recommendation for a friend or family member
  • Call a family member and tell him or her about your reading or writing goals
  • Help write a grocery list 
  • Write a poem for someone
  • Read book reviews online and make a list of “must-reads”
  • Find a friend and read the same book.  Set goals and make a plan to chat 
  • Have a “reading marathon” - gather up a bunch of books, magazines and or newspapers, and read until you need to stop
  • Spend time writing a mystery/fantasy/historical fiction/sci fi/realistic fiction story
  • Draw a picture and write labels and give it to a friend or family member
  • Make a comic strip
  • Read a video game “cheat” book
  • Read and follow the directions for a game
  • Research something for your family 
  • Write a letter to convince someone to do or think something
  • Write a survey question and ask people their opinion and then use this in a piece of writing
  • Read and follow a recipe
  • Write a “how-to” for someone in your family or a friend
  • Reread your favorite picture book
  • Read a story to a sister or brother 
  • Read a story to someone on the phone
  • Write a play 
  • Take a scene from your book and write a script 
  • Write a letter to a friend or family member that lives far away
  • Write questions and interview someone.  Take notes during your interview!
  • Plan a trip (real or made-up) by researching places to go, things to see, and how you’ll get there
  • Read to a pet or stuffed animal
Math Ideas
  • Games with subitizing cards
    • Top it. Split a deck of cards with different dot patterns on them. Player 1 and Player 2 will both lay a card down.  Then, they will determine which player’s card is greater. The player with the greater card will get both of the cards. If the players lay cards with the same number of dots, they will flip another card to see who has the greater card. 
    • Subitizing Game: To play, you need two players. a game board and tiles/counters to cover each of the subitizing patterns on the board. Once the board is covered with tiles, player 1 points to a tile and player 2 lifts the tile for one second. Player one then has to say how many dots they saw. If they get it correct, they keep the tile, if not the tile is replaced. Player 2 then has a turn. this continues until all tiles are removed, the winner is the person with the  most tiles at the end of the game. Here is a link to a gameboard
  • Use playing cards to play Memory. They will pick a card with a number 1-10. Then they will need to find the partner to ten. 
  • Here is a link to a five frame computer game. 
  • This website has TONS of helpful links. Keep in mind that adding, subtracting, and structuring within 10 will help your child be ready for First Grade! 

Thank you for a GREAT year at New Directions. It was a privilege to work with you all. I am amazed at everything your children are capable of and how much they have grown. Have a fantastic summer! 

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