Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 16-20

By the end of the week, it will feel like fall! 
Please pack appropriate gear for students to head outside for recessJ

Thank you for coming to conferences last week. I am so proud of the kindergarten work so far! This week, we will continue to grow by starting new units in writing and reading. 

Upcoming events:
November 16th: Half day—11:30 Dismissal
November 17th: Family Yoga Night
November 18th: Square 1 Art orders due
November 25th ,26th, and 27th: NO SCHOOL
December 1st: Kaukauna Christmas Parade

What’s happening in Kindergarten this week?

Reading: This week is the beginning of our most EXCITING reading unit yet: Super Readers! Students will learn that readers are like super heroes because they can use super reader powers. After getting their very own book bins, which contain books at the student’s reading level, they will learn about their super powers! For example, Super Readers can use pointer power to point at each word while reading a book.

Writing: The writers will begin to work on true stories this week. In Kindergarten, we work on oral storytelling and transferring those stories to paper.  We will think about writing stories that people are excited to read. Then, we will make sure they can read them by adding drawing and making our sentences easy to read by using spaces and many letter sounds.

We will continue to work heavily on adding and subtracting as it is a new and sometimes difficult concept! Students will begin to explore partner numbers using a break apart stick.
  • Students will illustrate a poem book that teaches about the +1 pattern in numbers 1-10.
  • Mathematicians will illustrate a poem book that teaches about the -1 pattern in numbers 1-10.
  • We will learn more about adding and subtracting using manipulatives and a ‘break apart stick’. For instance, seeing 00 l 000 as 2+3=5.
  • Students will practice more adding and subtracting with a dice game and number line.

Word Study: We will start new sorts this week! Students are working hard to find their sight words in their new reading books. 

Here is an ongoing list of our sight words:

Science: Scientists will investigate mammals and fur. Our read aloud books and discussions will focus on camouflage, mammals, fur, and fur that is used as protection. Did you know that a porcupine quill is actually a modified hair? We will look at fur under a magnifying glass, create animals using stamps and rubbing plates, and play a camouflage game.

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