Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 23-27

Let's celebrate the last few days with a special GOOD-BYE!

5/23 G Green Bay gear and grapes
5/24 O Oranges and wear orange
5/25 O Odd day and Oreos
5/26 D Dot day: Wear dots and dot art

5/31 B Book buddies and wear blue
6/1   Y Yummy popsicles and yoga
6/2  E Exercise gear

At the end of the year, fourth graders host "mini-courses" where they teach a skill to our 5k-3rd graders.  If you have empty egg cartons, please send them in with your child this week.  We have a group that needs them.  Thanks! 

Upcoming events: 
  • May 23: Family Event at the Kaukauna Public Library
  • May 26: Half Day--Dismissal at 11:30
  • May 27 and 30: No School
  • June 1: Minicourses and Field Day
  • June 2: Last Day of School--Half Day for Students
What’s happening in Kindergarten this week?

Reading: We will get ready to celebrate at the end of this week by acting out our stories! Here are the most important parts to remember when acting out books:

  • Make your reading sound smooth (not. choppy. like. a. robot.)
  • Check how your character is feeling! 
    • Make your voice match the character's voice 
    • Make your face and body match the character's 
  • "Pop out" important parts of the book
At the end of the week, students will perform their books with partners for the class. It will be quite the show! 

Writing: I was blown away by the AMAZING job the students did on their final true story writing (that will go into their portfolio!) They worked so hard to incorporate all that we had learned throughout this unit. For the rest of the year, students will be fiction writers. THey will learn to create a character, put them in a setting, and tell a story about their made up character. We will encourage them to add feelings. 

Math:  This week, we will wrap up Unit 5. We will review ways to measure including length, height, weight, and capacity. We will also talk about all of the different strategies we have for counting. 
  • Students will explore measuring capacity using different size containers with noodles.
  • Students will practice teen numbers by completing teen number pages.

Word Study: We will continue to review all the Kindergarten sight words. We will especially focus on transferring this work to our reading and writing! 

Here are our sight words. 

Science: The scientists will think about the following questions: 
  • What do you know about balls? 
  • What do you know about ramps? 
Then, we will use that knowledge to think of own experiment to do. They will use the scientific method to observe, think of a question, make a hypothesis, test the experiment, and share what you learned. We will share what we learned by making videos of the ramps we build and tests we run. 

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