We look forward to our field trip on Wednesday. Remember to pack a lunch if you did not preorder one from school!
Upcoming events:
Upcoming events:
- February 16th: Turn in your Read to Succeed forms. By filling out this form, you can receive a FREE ticket to Six Flags!
- Let me know if you need a new form
- February 17th: Field Trip
- February 25th: Half Day
- February 26th: No School
- February 29th: Family Night-Music, Munchies, and Masterpieces
What’s happening in Kindergarten this week?
Reading: Readers will revisit our classroom charts to make a plan for strategies they can use as they read. One great benefit to having a reading partner is that there is someone to help you when you really cant figure out a tricky word! Partners can coach each other by checking charts together, asking questions, talking about tricky parts, and suggesting strategies. Our Super Reader chart is a great resource as a list of strategies. Coach your child when reading by reminding them of these strategies:
Writing: Writers will set goals to fix up their writing. They could choose to fix up spelling or punctuation. They could also choose to elaborate by adding more drawings and labels, telling more reasons to convince others of their opinions, or adding speech bubbles. These writers have done a wonderful job finding problems and writing about ways to make them better. They are quite convincing!
Math: The big ideas in math this week are finding the partners of ten and teen numbers. Students will rotate through the following centers:
- Students will roll dice and use a ten frame to find the partners of ten. After rolling a number, they will place that number of chips on the ten frame. They will need to look at the spaces with chips and the spaces without chips to name the partners.
- They will write addition and subtraction equations for numbers 1-10 by looking at a grocery store picture.
- We will create teen number boards with paint and qtips.
- Partners will play the unknown partner number game. Students will place a number of cubes on the table. While Partner 1 closes his eyes, partner 2 takes some of the cubes away. Then partner 1 needs to say how many pieces were taken away.
Word Study: Our new sight words are jump, funny, go, find, & not. We have been working really hard to make sure we are using uppercase and lowercase letters in the correct places in our writing. Whenever you are writing at home, encourage lowercase letters unless it the is beginning of a sentence or a name!
Science: We shift our focus to paper this week. We will explore different kinds of paper. Scientists will test the effects of water on different paper products. We will conduct experiments to answer these questions:
- What paper is easiest to write on?
- What paper is hardest to write on?
- What paper absorbs the most water?
- What are the different kinds of paper used for?
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