Sunday, February 28, 2016

February 29-March 4

March is here! 

Here is our March homework calendar.
Here is the March lunch calendar.

Upcoming events: 
  • February 29th: Family Night-Music, Munchies, and Masterpieces
  • March 14th: Culver's Night 
  • March 17th: All School Field Trip to PAC
  • March 21st and 22nd: Portfolio Conferences
  • March 23rd: No School for student
What’s happening in Kindergarten this week?

Reading: Readers begin a new unit that focuses on nonfiction books! We will get our library ready by sorting the books into fiction and nonfiction bins. Students will also find topic bins that hold books on animals, places, etc. When your child brings his/her book bag home this week, you will find books from their dot level as well as topic books that may or may not be at their individualized reading level. As you read any of these with your child, encourage him/her to  look closely at the pages, point to pictures to find even more, ask questions, and talk about books to become experts on their topics. These are high interest books for the kids--I am so excited to see how they work with them! 

Writing:  As our persuasive writers continue to try to solve problems, they will be thinking about teaching information to persuade and writing how-to books to explain how to make a change. We will continue to make sure each writer is including a problem, reasons why it is a problem, and a fix it idea. Later, we will work with our partners to edit for punctuation and practice reading our work before we share with others.

Math: It will be an exciting week in math as we learn a new concept: Math Mountains! Math Mountains are a fun way for students to think about the partners of a number. Here is an example of math mountain for partners of 7

 We will rotate through the following centers: 
  • Students will use a stamp pad and pencil to create Math Mountains for the numbers 5 and 6.
  • We will use Playdoh to create flat and solid shapes. Students will discuss the similarities and differences between the shapes.
  • Students will pick two number cards. They will draw math stories using those numbers. They will tell the math story to a partner and write the equation. Ask your child to tell you the math stories when they bring their booklet home! 

Word Study: Our sight words are on, are, up, an, & this. 

Here are our sight words.

Science: Scientists will make recycled paper using facial tissue and water. We will also be painting the paper mache bowls we made last week. Students will make constructions using paper and wood. 

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